Friday 16 September 2011


Yesterday was the big day. the moving day.stepping out of the nest, as some people would say if they constantly spoke in riddles. but we're not doing that today. Ill save it for another day, when there is actual brain activity.
Another joy of moving is that the excitement allows for impulsive, yet very much justified buys. We took this opportunity firmly by the hands/throat and visited some charity stores in our not so free time yesterday, in between the moving. And my oh my did we unveil some hidden treasures. The most awesome of them all are the camera's we found, two old school film camera's for 10 rond each, which we were like 'score, these are cool for decor' but no they work friends. And we also snatched up another old camera for 85 rond, it has a very vintage feel, all the pics will look like my great gran took them in 1924, which is amaze. This my lovely sister is handing over on my birthday. happy dance.

Back to the looming move, we have made a flip load - look at me, i spend a day with my sister and shes already rubbing off - of progress, kitchen and bedroom are almost done, basically done. We both worked like oompa loompa's in the chocolate factory yesterday, thus are plagued with aching backs and shoulders, a sign that we might be getting old.

Luckily we can get a break from the moving mayhem and are going to a lovely new market with our other sister Rachel. this makes my heart smile a large kiddie grin because i have missed the days when the three of us would spend a full day together, markets, shopping, movies, chatting, tea for them coffee for me, eating, etc. The memory of those good old days will be lived today. And the weather is amazing so our day will be equally amazing. I'm excited. pictures will definitely follow.

Hope you all have lovely things planned for this beautiful day. It finally looks like Spring is coming out of hiding.


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